
mitt memo

the memo games finally arrived from china! 'mitt memo' is a project i've been working on together 
with marta who runs the lovely shop designista. marta came up with a fun idea for a memory game 
that she asked me to design and illustrate. After al this time we are very proud to present 'mitt memo
i skogen' (my memo - in the forest)  and 'mitt memo i köket' (my memo - in the kitchen)! you can buy
them at designista on upplandsgatan 45 in stockholm.


  1. Very nice! And many other pretty things in your blog. Thanks!

  2. Hi Dani,
    thank you for commenting. I do like your blog and site. Nice stuff.

  3. I LOVE Mitt Memo!!! It is so cool, congratulations! Any chance it would be available to buy in Australia?
